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旅美科技协会北卡分会讲座:Starting a Biotech versus Starting a Tech Start-up

讲座人: Will Lee, PhD, Vice President, Regulatory at Cato Research 时间:2016 年4 月27 日(星期三) 6:00-8:00pm 6:00-6:30 pizza and social networking 6:30-8:00 讲座 地点: The Frontier at RTP, 800 Park Offices Drive, RTP, NC 27709 讲座人简介:Will Lee is an American-born Chinese who received his Ph.D. in Genetics from Cornell University. After a post-doctoral fellowship at University of California, Irvine, Dr.Lee joined Viagene, a San Diego-based gene therapy start-up. In 1999, he moved across the country to RTP to join a contract research organization called Cato Research. He is now Vice President, Regulatory at Cato Research.

注册:主办方将提供pizza 和饮料,CAST 会员免费,非会员$5/人。请大家在下面预先注册登记。 主办: 旅美科协北卡分会(CAST-NC) 联系电话: 919-260-7746


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