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华盛顿旅美科协暨网络信息协会“名师名人”系列讲座第十四讲—– 物联网时代的智慧城市(6月2日)


Title: Information and Communication Technologies for Smart Cities

Time: Saturday, 6/2/2018, 2:00pm-5:00pm Location: Pender Professional Center 3901 Fair Ridge Dr., Fairfax, VA 22033

Distinguished Speaker:

Prof. Zhi (Gerry) Tian

Fellow of IEEE Electrical and Computer Engineering George Mason University


Cities and communities around the world are entering a new era of transformation in which residents and their surrounding environments are increasingly connected through rapidly changing intelligent technologies. Smart city technology leverages intelligent city infrastructure, including connected devices, sensors, and data analytics, to improve quality of life for residents, enhance economic growth, and address city challenges. This talk presents an academic perspective on information and communication technologies that propel the vision of smart and resilient cities. It is recognized that smart city development builds on the network combination of the Internet, telecommunications network, broadcast network, wireless broadband network and other sensors networks with Internet of Things technology (IoT) as its core. Meanwhile, the main features of a smart city include a high degree of information technology integration and a comprehensive application of information resources, which promotes advances in signal processing and data analytics for efficient data collection and inference. The related research activities support the Smarter DC initiative.

Online Registration: Registration is required: $5 per person (beverages will be provided) Free to permanent member

Organizer: CAST Washington DC Chapter and Network Information Society Co-Organizer: USTCWF (USTC Washington Fund), USTC-AA-DC

Speaker Profile

Dr. Zhi (Gerry) Tian is a Fellow of IEEE, and is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of George Mason University. Dr. Tian is a graduate of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC, Hefei) and also pursued graduate study with the Tsinghua University in Beijing China. Previously she served a three-year term as a Program Director at the US National Science Foundation. Her research interests lie in statistical signal processing, wireless communications, and decentralized network optimization. She contributed to the textbook “Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part I, Second Edition” published in 2013. She received an NSF CAREER award in 2003. She is an IEEE Fellow. She was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, and served as Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. She was a General Chair for the IEEE GlobalSIP Conference in 2016. She is Chair of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Big Data Special Interest Group, and a member of the Awards committee of the IEEE Communications Society.

About CAST-DC/NIS The Chinese Association for Science and Technology – Washington DC Chapter (CAST-DC) was founded on Dec 11, 1993, as a not-for-profit and non-political organization registered in the USA. It is a local chapter of The Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-USA). CAST-DC Chapter includes over 1, 000 members from famous research organizations such as NIH, FDA, NASA, NIST, JHU, UMCP as well as local high-tech companies in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

The missions of the CAST-DC are to promote academic exchanges and professional development of CAST-USA members; to serve as a bridge for the collaboration between China and United States in personnel, science and technology, information, economic, trade and other areas.


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