Big Data Analytics in Business Environments - A Tutorial and Training
Date: September 24th, 2016 Saturday, 2pm-5pm

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Invited Speaker
Professor Hui Xiong
ACM Distinguished Scientist, IEEE Senior Member
Rutgers University
Panel List
Prof. Zhi Gerry Tian, GMU, IEEE Fellow
Dr. Wallace Hu, President of CAST-NIS
Dr. Liyan Zhang, VP of CAST-DC
and a few more
Moderator: Dr. Liyan Zhang
2:00pm - 2:10pm Welcome speech by President of CAST-DC, Dr. Dexiu Shi;
2:10pm - 4:00pm The tutorial/training in Big data; A 10 minutes break in the middle;
4:00pm - 4:30pm Panel discussions with the following guests:
4:30pm - 5:00pm General Q&A;
5:00pm - 6:00pm Light dinner and drinks served.
The Chinese Association for Science and Technology - Washington DC Chapter (CAST-DC) and Network Information Society (NIS)
USTC Alumni Association of Greater DC Area
Recent years have witnessed the big data movement throughout all the business sectors. As a result, awareness of the importance of data mining for business is becoming wide spread. However, the big data are usually immense, fine-grained, diversified, dynamic, and sufficiently information-rich in nature, and thus demand a radical change in the philosophy of data analytics. In this talk, we introduce a set of scenarios for understanding and mining of business data in various business sectors. In particular, we will discuss the technical and domain challenges of big data analytics in business environments. The theme to be covered will include (1) the data mining problem formulation in different business applications, such as marketing, real estate, and mobile intelligence; (2) the challenging issues of data pre-processing and post-processing in business analytics; (3) how the underlying computational models can be adapted for managing the uncertainties in relation to big data process in a huge nebulous business environment. Finally, we will also show some promising research directions.
Speaker Profile
Dr. Hui Xiong is currently a Full Professor and the Director of Rutgers Center for Information Assurance, where he received a two-year early promotion/tenure (2009). He is also a Grand Master Chair Professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Dr. Xiong is a prominent researcher in the areas of business intelligence, data mining, big data, and geographic information systems (GIS). He has a distinguished academic record that includes 200+ referred papers in conference proceedings and journals, and an authoritative Encyclopedia of GIS (Springer).
He is serving on the editorial boards of many top technical journals and a General Co-Chair for the IEEE 2015 International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-2015). For his outstanding contributions to data mining and mobile computing, he was elected an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2014 (equivalent to IEEE fellow).
The Chinese Association for Science and Technology - Washington DC Chapter (CAST-DC) was founded on Dec 11, 1993 at University of Maryland. It is a not-for-profit and non-political organization. It is a local chapter of The Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-USA). CAST-USA has her headquarter located in the New York City. CAST-DC Chapter include members from Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia.
The missions of the CAST DC are to promote academic exchanges and professional development of CAST-USA members; to serve as a bridge for the collaboration between China and United States in personnel, science and technology, information, economic, trade and other areas.