“跨境合作 — 中国与佛罗里达州”技术革新与投资高峰论坛
协办方:美国TSFA 企业加速器投资公司、Citrix、Auto Nation 等机构
支持方: 中华人民共和国驻休斯顿总领事馆、中国深圳市人民政府驻北美机构
机构支持方:中国旅美科协总会(CAST-USA)、中国旅美科协波士顿分会(CAST-GBT) 等分会
时间:2PM— 8PM; 日期:2017年4月8日星期六
地点:225 E Las Olas Blvd, Floor 7,Fort Lauderdale, FL33301
1. CAST-SFL & TSFA Welcome Reception by Xiao Ling、Thomas Buchar,、Christopher Malter…
2.佛州参议员MariaSachs演讲: 佛州创新与企业发展的生态环境
3.投资公司TSFA简介: ThomasBuchar 演讲TSFA 的投资目标及方向- Fintech, Medical Device,Digital HC,IOT,HCM
4. 深圳市人民政府投资环境及高新技术投资项目优惠政策介绍
5. 医疗、医药创新与抗衰老演讲
5.1) Lei Ming,PhD,President of CAST-Boston、Founder/CEO of UST Corp: “Advanced DNA BarcodeSystem and the 3rd Generation Nanopore Sequencer.” “新一代DNA短读长精确链接技术和第三代纳米孔测序仪”。雷明医学工程博士,旅美科协波士顿分会会长,美国UST公司创办人及CEO
5.2)Xiaohai Li, PhD, Senior Researcher from Scripps,“Novel water soluble tumor passive targeting polysaccharide taxol prodrug project”.李晓海博士: “新型水溶性被动靶向多聚糖紫杉醇抗肿瘤新药”
5.3 )HanboHu, PhD, MedicalProfessor of University of Florida “LiveBetter Longer” 胡汉波教授:美国佛州大学“吃喝玩乐抗衰老”
5.4)Jeffrey Rainer's PhD, Professor of University of Miami,”New Heart Disease Diagnose Equipment” 瑞杰夫博士:“新型心脏病早期诊断设备”
5.5) Gloria Guo: “GoYoung Beauty”, 郭静茹:”一种抗衰老护肤新品-植物精油” 介绍
中场演出\ Half Time Show\舞蹈与歌曲\Dancing and Singing.
6. IT论坛
6.1) 段小会:第一科技“天碗APP 项目”介绍
7. Trend of eHomeand Real Estate 中美房地市场介绍及投资方向
7.1)South Florida Real Estate Investment: Past, Present, and Future, By Sean Lin
7.2)Jeanie KwanGallegos: “Outlook of Florida Real Estate” 关京妮, “佛州房地产概况”
8. Service Law and Financial Advisory
8.1) Elle Zhang: PhD, from BOA Merrill Lynch: “Impact Investing — Aligning Your Wealth with Purpose” 张蕾博士美国银行美林投资
8.2) Evelyn Tai: “Let the Insurance Protectyour family and life” 宋曼萍 “让保险来保护您的家庭与生活”
1. Guest Speaker:Senator Maria Sachs
A graduate of the University of Miami Law School,Maria was one of the first women prosecutors hired by State AttorneyJanet Reno. She leads many successful prosecutions and convictions ofmany involved in the drug cartels of South Florida. After raising threechildren, she focused her energies on politics. Maria ran for an openHouse Seat, successfully competing against many in a contentious primaryelection. After four years in the Florida House of Representatives, Mariacaptured a State Senate seat, the first woman to hold that position. Electedby her peers to serve as Democratic Whip and later Democrat Pro Tempore, shewas successful in passing a number of bills into law. One of the mostnotable was the inclusion of "Global Languages" increasing the numberof foreign languages taught in our public schools from four to 15.
Maria now serves as Executive Director of"Innovation Florida", a not for profit dedicated to the creation ofan innovative ecosystem in Florida. She is confident that the future ofFlorida lies in the untapped talent of our students.
2.Guest Speaker: Thomas Buchar - Managing Director of The SouthFlorida Accelerator(TSFA)
Thomas is a former DOD intelligenceanalyst, angel investor, conservationist, and serial entrepreneur who hasfounded, funded, and exited several successful global ventures which include:media properties (CGI, Inc. acquired by Polygram Entertainment 1995), financialservices (Geneva Risk Services, LLC acquired by McAuley Woods & Associates2008, and POM Solutions, LLC acquired by Monterrey, Mexico based Finaceria Cuallix2014). Other ventures / contributions include: TechExec Resources, Twittad.com, CardStar, and Womensforum.com.Since 1998 Thomas began angel investing, advising clients on M & Aand strategic initiatives. Outside of "Start-up World" you can findThomas in the bushveld of South Africa or Botswana rescuing threaten species www.nembeza.org.
3.Guest Speaker : ChristopherMalter - Managing Director of The South Florida Accelerator (TSFA)
Christopher Malterhas 20+ years specializing in life sciences, technology/telecom, energy andaerospace. He has completed numerous capital raises for life sciences and techcompanies including, including, BCH Aerospace, Eyecast, Foxconn, Opticatel,Sharklet Technologies, BRS Aerospace and most recently Video Career Finder.Christopher was appointed as chairman to The Florida Life Sciences Council in2007 by governor Charlie Crist. Most recently, Malter founded The South FloridaTech Gateway and The South Florida Venture Alliance, two groups consisting ofC-Level executives committed to facilitating the maturation process in growingand expanding South Florida’s existing tech sector. Christopher alsoenjoys supporting the Museum of Science and Discovery and the eradication ofhomelessness in South Florida. He is a loyal Temple U Owl.
4.Guest Speaker: Ming Lei, PHD,Biomedical; Founder/CEO,USTCorporation; President of CAST-Boston.He is going to present us “ Advanced DNA Barcode System and 3rd Gen NanoporeSequencer”. 雷明博士将推出他的生物医学新项目《DNA短读长精确链接技术和第三代纳米孔测序仪》
5. Dr.Jeffrey Rainer's , PhD. University of Miami, NewHeart Disease Diagnose Equipment.
6. Xiaohai Li, PhD. Senior Researcher from Scripps,“Novel water soluble tumor passive targeting polysaccharide taxol prodrug project”…
1.Linda Liang 律师事务所
6.Conny Sun:The Keyes Company 房地产公司
7.Elle Zhang,:美国银行美林证券
8.何萍:Coral Shore Realty 房地产公司
9.Gloria Guo:会计师事务所
10. Jeffery Rainer, Heart Disease Monitoring Equipment
11. 段小会:天碗APP -第一科技
12. 郭睿: Falcon 财产管理对冲基金
13. Kate 周:Real Estate
14. 郑国强:保险投资理财
15. Amber Wang:RELATED ISG 国际地产公司
16. Jeanie Kwan Gallegos; Brickell GlobalRealty
17. Hollywood Toyota Princess Chen.
18. Heidi Wong, Clinic
19. 未完待续。
活动备茶歇,自助餐食,酒水;中场演出:舞蹈与独唱敬请请关注每周活动更新: www.castsfl.org和CAST-SFL微信主群