Press Release for CAST-CT Fall 2016 Forum
Press Release for CAST-CT Fall 2016 Forum
October 9, 2016, New Haven, Connecticut
The CAST-CT Fall 2016 Forum was successfully held on October 9,2016 from 2 PM and 5 PM at Bowers Auditorium, Yale University.

Meikong Qou 邱美康 , Adj. Professor at Columbia University and pace University presented an overview about cutting edge mobile security access control. His approaches for the mobile device security opened a new frontier on cyber security.

Howard Liao, Director of Business Intelligence from presented an overview on the big data evolution of data lake and related environments of the tools, technologies, innovations, job opportunities.

Justine Tan, Vice President from Evergrande Health, presented an overview on Evergrande Health in Chinese healthcare market, as well as their Boao International hospital, which is a close collaboration between Evergrande Health and Brigham and Women's hospital - a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School.
Panel Discussion: Online Social Networking at Campus

陈鸾 Vice President, ACSS at Yale University
付左林, President of ACSS at University of Bridgeport
李婷, Social Secretary—Marketing of ACSS at Fairfield University
Moderator: Howard Liao
This Forum was organized by CAST-CT, and partner with ACSS at Yale University, University of Bridgeport and Fairfield University.
余国营, President of CAST-CT announced the initiative to offer mentorship to all Chinese student across Connecticut

and make CAST-CT as the organization which can participate in and gain the knowledge from the activities organized by Science and technology community within the Association.
This Forum is also presented as Online meeting to be accessed via internet and conference the CAST-CT members, supporters and Chinese student across Connecticut.
中国旅美科技协会(旅美科协,the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, CAST,是 1992 年在纽约成立的非政治性,非盈利性的民间团体, 现有会员8000余人。
中国旅美康州科技协会(CAST-CT)于2001年创办,既作为中国旅美科技协会(CAST-USA,1992年成立)的一个分会,也于2006年在康 州独立注册为非赢利机构,并于2008年初独立取得非赢利机构免税资格。康州科协致力于建立新一代华人学者和专业人士包括康州从北到南的科研人员、工程 师、企业、经贸和金融界人士等的交流、合作、创业和发展的平台,并成为美中文化、科技、教育及经贸等领域友谊和合作桥梁的康州“桥头堡”。 康州科技协会成立以来已逐步发展,开展了许多科技商务和文化交流的活动,包括协会内专业人员的学术研讨会,会员之间及与康州的兄弟华人协会之间的联谊活动 (中国传统节日的联欢活动, BBQ聚会等),协会会员与中国访美专业团体(主要是大学代表团,高科技创业园)之间的交流活动,以及回国访问交流参加武汉华创会、广州留交会、北京科技 创业周等等。