音乐会主办方普林斯顿国际中国音乐节将联合普林斯顿大学国乐团、普林斯顿大学中国学生学者联合会、及中国旅美科技协会大纽约分会于12月16日(周 三)7时整在普林斯顿大学Gyote 10会议厅举办《又见国乐相聚普林-国乐展示及研讨会》。中央民族乐团主创团队将现场剖析创作心得,并用琴声与观众进行互动式交流。
http://goo.gl/forms/6vQGcSkH7G。 普林斯顿大学Gyote 10会议厅的路线图请查看最下方。
中央民族乐团是文化部直属的国家艺术院团,由民族管弦乐队、民族合唱队组成。乐团成立于1960年,由周恩来总理主持创建。第一任团长为前中国音乐 家协会主席、著名作曲家李焕之(1919.01—2000.03)。现任团长为全国政协委员、弓弦乐演奏家及民族音乐理论家席强。
China National Traditional Orchestra, the world’s most celebrated and influential Chinese music group, triumphantly returns to Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center on Dec. 20 and Dec. 18 to showcase heritage works in a modern light. Comprised of highly-esteemed musicians, this orchestra mesmerizes with traditional Chinese instrumentation, beauty and artistry.
Princeton International Chinese Music Festival will join the Princeton University Chinese Music Ensemble (ChiME) and the Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Princeton University (ACSSPU) , Chinese Association of Science and Technology Great New York Chapter to present an interactive showcase and discussion session - “Rediscover Chinese Music with Key Members of China National Orchestra" on December 16, 2015 in Gyote 10 conference room of Princeton University. Members of the prestigious China National Traditional Orchestra are invited to disclose the inside of the two most highlighted music productions, how they were able to bring young generations to concert halls in this modern light with their adventurous journey of exploration and continually surprising audiences by inviting them into a realm of a vibrant and re-imagined Chinese music experience.
This exciting performance showcase and discussion program is Free and open to public.
There will be FREE TICKET DRAWING at this event. 15 lucky winners will receive FREE TICKETS to the orchestra's Dec. 18 and Dec. 20 concerts in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall. However, only those who pre-registered will entitl for the ticket drawing.
请点击下方链接察看行车路线图 Direction to Gyote 10 can be found below: